Taekwon-Do and Dyspraxia
Thesis for Dan VIII
Neil David Franks, Ireland
Using Taekwondo as a tool to help special needs students
with emphasis on Dyspraxia
Using Taekwondo as a tool to help special needs students
with emphasis on Dyspraxia
Professional Taekwon‐Do instructors are self‐employed owners of small businesses. They do not have the benefits of specialists employed by corporations. This includes common employment benefits, such as pension schemes. The ITF cannot create the infrastructure to do these things for professional instructors – it would be far too’ inefficient for a small international entity to develop efficient global structures. Instead, the ITF should arm instructors with the information they need to act themselves, and measure their success based on the actions of those instructors. Therefore, the ITF should educate its instructors financially – in budgeting, debt management, wealth protection, accumulation and decumulation.
“What is Taekwon-Do, fundamentally? What is its nature and substance, its
reason for being?” Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman philosopher and emperor, might ask such a question of General Choi Hong Hi, founder of Taekwon-Do, in the hereafter.
The focus of this text is on the multiple technique combinations included in Taekwon-Do patterns, from a practical and scientific perspective.
The idea of this work is to reflect and be able to think about certain individual and group psychic processes that occur during the transmission of our art. We will not only look at it from the point of view of transmitting our martial art based on its principles and philosophy, from the appropriate teaching methodology, but also from the effects that the practice of Taekwon-Do produces in terms of boosting self-esteem and the relationship this has with the management and control of aggressiveness.
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