Taekwon-Do vs The Roman Catholic church
My hypotheses is “Does the moral guidance which is the backbone of Taekwon do fill the space left as a result of the decline in participation in Christian religions?”
My hypotheses is “Does the moral guidance which is the backbone of Taekwon do fill the space left as a result of the decline in participation in Christian religions?”
The focus of this text is on the multiple technique combinations included in Taekwon-Do patterns, from a practical and scientific perspective.
Using Taekwondo as a tool to help special needs students with emphasis on Dyspraxia
Through this study of the Yin & Yang principles it had stirred my curiosity into the why and how we can use these principles for our own inner spiritual, mental and physical development, not only for use in the Martial Arts but for all of what life and nature can throw at us. We as humans need to ‘Adapt’.
This resource comprise a thesis required for promotion to 4th Dan. The instructions for writing an essay or thesis for black belt promotion include that the writing should be of some use and interest to other Taekwon-Do practioners. Korean terminology is therefore the focus of this thesis. It is an area that needs strengthening in our Taeskwon-Do community.
Professional Taekwon‐Do instructors are self‐employed owners of small businesses. They do not have the benefits of specialists employed by corporations. This includes common employment benefits, such as pension schemes. The ITF cannot create the infrastructure to do these things for professional instructors – it would be far too’ inefficient for a small international entity to develop efficient global structures. Instead, the ITF should arm instructors with the information they need to act themselves, and measure their success based on the actions of those instructors. Therefore, the ITF should educate its instructors financially – in budgeting, debt management, wealth protection, accumulation and decumulation.
La idea de este trabajo es reflexionar y poder pensar acerca ciertos procesos psíquicos individuales y grupales que se producen durante la transmisión de nuestro arte. No sólo lo veremos desde el punto de vista de la transmisión de nuestro arte marcial en base a sus principios y filosofía, de la metodología de enseñanza adecuada, sino también desde los efectos que produce la práctica del Taekwon-Do en cuanto a elevar la autoestima y qué relación tiene esto último con el manejo y control de la agresividad.